grandmaster Ming Sam
Formal disciple of the late Grandmaster Moy Yat and founder of Ming Sam Ving Tsun Kung Fu.
Grandmaster Samuel Harris was given the name "Ming Sam" by the late Grandmaster Moy Yat. Grandmaster Ming Sam trained extensively in the art of Ving Tsun under Grandmaster Moy Yat for 8 years, including private instruction. He became a formal disciple of his Sifu Moy Yat in 1996 where he learned the finer aspects of Ving Tsun Kung Fu through his sifu's teaching of "Kung Fu Life". This method of learning Ving Tsun inspired Grandmaster Ming Sam to open his own Ving Tsun school using the very same principles as taught by his Sifu. The school was eventually opened in Fort Washington, Maryland and named "Ming Sam Ving Tsun Kung Fu" in honor of Grandmaster Moy Yat's belief that Kung Fu must become one's own. Today Grandmaster Ming Sam continues to pass on his sifu's idea of "Kung Fu Life" to his family, his students and his disciples. He remains very close with the immediate Moy Yat family as well as respected by Great Grandmaster Ip Man's son Grandmaster Ip Ching. Grandmaster Ming Sam had the honor of an exclusive visit with the Moy family to Hong Kong and Foshan, China for the grand opening of the Ip Man Tong in 2002. Now he is one of several of Grandmaster Moy Yat's last teaching disciples found today.