Moy Yat Family Disciples
Formal disciples within the Moy Yat family and practitioners of Ving Tsun Kung Fu.
All disciples within the Moy Yat family, as well as other kung fu lineages, go through what is called a Bai-tze ceremony in which the master takes on their student as an adopted son or daughter in kung fu. Masters Steven and Alexandra Nativi, formal disciples of the present Grandmaster Ming Sam, have been given the names Ming Si Tai Fan and Ming Lei by Grandmaster Moy Yat's wife Helen in conjunction with Chief Executive Officer Edward Leung of "The Pistol Club of Greater Chinatown New York Inc.". Sifu Ming Fan and Ming Lei practice the art of ving tsun through their sifu's "Ming Sam Ving Tsun Kung Fu". They train in class and for a time in private at their home under the tutelage of their Sifu Ming Sam. On Sundays, they had the honor of training under Master Rick Chung "Chung Kwok Leung", an older student and teaching disciple of Grandmaster Pete Pajil. Grandmaster Pete Pajil "Moy Bah Hugh" is another disciple of Great Grandmaster Moy Yat who retired from teaching at age 60. Following the years Grandmaster Ming Sam has taken his disciples Ming Fan and Ming Lei on several trips to the Moy Yat Headquarters in New York City's Chinatown. They go to visit Grandmaster Moy Yat's son, Grandmaster William Moy, and other Moy Yat family members.
Additional disciples that attend Grandmaster Ming Sam's ving tsun school are as follows: top disciple Isaac Spence "Ming Sik", and newest disciples Daniel Folks and Jabari Reaves. Together they make up a small percentage of people in the world today who aid in the preservation of the great art that is "Ving Tsun Kung Fu".